Delegation Request Form

Municipal Services

Required fields are marked with asterisks (*)

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A delegation is any person(s), group(s), corporation(s), or oganization(s), approved by the Clerk to make submissions at a council meeting.

Personal Information on this form is collected under the authority of the Municipal Act 2001 P.S.O. c45 and may be included in Agendas and Council Meeting minutes, both of which become part of the public record and posted on our municipal website.

How would you like to be contacted?
Are you representing a group?

Minimum characters: 4

Is this a matter listed on the current Council Agenda?
Have you appeared before Council in the past to discuss this issue?
Will you have an oral or written presentation?
How would like to attend the Council meeting? Please be advised that the method selected for attending the Council meeting may not be changed.

Please note: once we received your request to appear as a delegation you will be contacted by the Clerk's Department to confirm wheather your Delegation Request has been approved. 


© 2024 The Municipality of Leamington 111 Erie Street North, Leamington, Ontario N8H 2Z9

Phone: 519-326-5761
Fax: 519-326-2481
Email: General Information

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