Water and Wastewater Billing

Water and Wastewater billing Banner

Water and Waste Water Billing 

The Municipality of Leamington provides water and waste water billing services on a monthly basis. These services include issuing billings for water consumption and waste water charges, reading water meters, and handling requests to turn on or off water services.

Leamington residents have the opportunity to save $3.00/month by signing up for electronic billing.

Sign up for Electronic Billing Sign up for Pre-Authorized Payments

Moving in or out?

Payment options include:

Pre-authorized payments are automatically withdrawn from your bank account on the due date. 

Pre-authorized payment forms submitted after the 15th of the month will begin the following month. Customers must make alternate payment arrangements when submitting this form between the 16th of the month and the due date.

Sign up for Pre-Authorized Payments

You can now pay your water and waste water bill online using Visa, MasterCard, Visa Debit and MasterCard Debit.

The Municipality will receive an instant notification of your water and waste water bill payment and will post it to your account on the next business day. At the time of payment, you will receive a confirmation number and an email confirming the receipt of payment for your records.

Please note that the Municipality's service provider, Datatel/Global Payments, charges a service fee for the use of its services to pay your water and waste water bill. The service fee to use your credit card is 2.5% and to use your debit card is 1.5%. The water and waste water payment and service fee will be reflected as two separate charges on your credit card statement, one from the Municipality of Leamington and another for the service fee from Datatel/Global Payments.

Privacy Statement:  Personal information is collected under the authority of the Municipal Act, 2001, P.S.O. c45, and will be used for the purpose of collecting water and waste water payments. Questions about the collection of this information can be directed to the Manager of Legislative Services/Clerk, Municipality of Leamington, 111 Erie Street North, Leamington, Ontario, N8H 2Z9, Telephone: 519-326-5761.

Please note: There is a fee to use this online payment option. The service fee to use your credit card is 2.5% and to use your debit card is 1.5%.

Pay your Water and Waste Water bill for a fee

Through your financial institution using online banking, telephone banking or in person (payee is Leamington Water). 

Cheques can be placed in the drop-box located at the Queens Avenue entrance of the Leamington Municipal Building at 111 Erie St North. Please do not use cash.

Cheques can be made payable to the Municipality of Leamington and sent to 111 Erie Street N., Leamington ON N8H 2Z9. 


All water/waste water customers will receive bills on a monthly basis. Payment is due 16 days after bills are issued. There is a 1.25% penalty for overdue balances. The Municipality charges this penalty on the first day of default and initiates the collection process.

Yes. Customers have the option to sign up for an electronic bill. A PIN number that can be found on your paper bill will be required to enroll in electronic billing. By signing up for electronic billing, customers will receive a monthly $3 paperless bill discount. Once enrolled in electronic billing, customers will stop receiving a paper bill in the mail. Go to https://leamingtononline.ca to sign up.

A $3.00 paperless bill discount will be applied to all metered accounts until June 30, 2021.

There are several different ways to pay your water/waste water bill including the convenience of pre-authorized payments. Enroll now to have your bill payment automatically withdrawn from your bank account on the due date.

Other payment options include:

  1. Through your financial institution using online banking, telephone banking or in person using the payee "Leamington Water".

  2. Drop-box – The after-hours payment box is located at the Queens Avenue entrance of the Municipal Building at 111 Erie Street North. Cheques can be placed in this box.  Please do not put cash or post-dated cheques in the drop-box.

  3. Mail – Cheques should be made payable to the Municipality of Leamington and should note the account number or include the top portion of the water/waste water bill. Mail should be sent to:

    111 Erie Street North

    Leamington, ON

    N8H 2Z9

     Please do not send post-dated cheques.

 4. Pre-Authorized Payments - Automatically withdrawn from your bank account on the due date.

 5. Online Payment - You can pay your water and waste water bill online using Visa, Mastercard,

     Visa Debit or Mastercard Debit.
The online form can be printed and returned to the Leamington Municipal Building with a void cheque. The information can be placed in a sealed envelope in the drop box located at the Queens Avenue entrance of the Municipal Building at 111 Erie Street North or be mailed to:

111 Erie Street North
Leamington, ON
N8H 2Z9

If you require further assistance, please contact us at 519-326-5761 ext. 1215 or email us at waterbill@leamington.ca

The base charge rates are a result of an approved rate study. These are approved by Council to cover the costs to operate and maintain municipal infrastructure for both water (maintenance of meters, hydrants, watermains and services) and waste water (waste water treatment and pump station costs). These costs include both capital, lifecycle replacement and annual operating expenses. 

Online services are a convenient way for Leamington residents to view water and waste water billing information and make payments in a secure online environment anytime, anywhere from a computer or mobile device.

Login/Create your Account

Pay your Water & Waste Water Bill

Water rates are reviewed and approved by Leamington Council annually. 

View Municipal Fees page

It is important that the Municipality has the most up-to -date contact information.  Update your mailing address or other contact information using the change of information form.

Change of Information Form

If you would like to authorize other individuals to access your water and waste water account information please use the water and waste water account authorization form.

Authorization Form

Moving In or Out? 

Customers are required to fill out a change of owner/resident form in order to request a final meter reading and/or set up a new account. 48 hours of notice must be given for a final read.

*You are responsible for consumption until final readings have been completed. 

*There is a $25.00 Account Setup Fee applied to all new accounts. 

Change of Owner/Resident Form

A request can be made to have water service shut off and/or turned on. There is a fee for each service that will be added to the water account. Requests for water shut off/turn on must be done at least 48 hours in advance by completing the “Request for Shut Off/Turn On” form. 

*NEW - As of January 1, 2023 water and waste water base charges will continue to be applied to all metered accounts whether they are connected or disconnected. 

Water Shut Off/Turn On Form

For all billing questions, move in or out requests and scheduling of water reconnects and disconnects contact water billing 519-326-5761 ext. 1215 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM


Municipality of Leamington
111 Erie Street North,
Leamington, Ontario, N8H 2Z9

© 2024 The Municipality of Leamington 111 Erie Street North, Leamington, Ontario N8H 2Z9

Phone: 519-326-5761
Fax: 519-326-2481
Email: General Information

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